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Writer's pictureAlpa Makan

What are you Focussing on?

Focus ! Focus! Focus!

But what you really want to focus on is the real question here.

and the answer is very simple indeed.

What you want to grow,

is what you should focus is.

Thats all!

"Focusing on what you want to grow" is a powerful concept that can apply to various areas of life, including personal development, career advancement, relationships, and more. The idea behind it is to concentrate your time, energy, and resources on the things that matter most to you and to take deliberate actions that will help you achieve your goals.

When you focus on what you want to grow, you create a clear vision of your desired outcome and work towards it consistently. This may involve

- setting specific goals

- developing new skills or habits

- working on yourself

- seeking out opportunities to learn and grow, and

- surrounding yourself with supportive people who share your vision.

One important aspect of focusing on what you want to grow is identifying and overcoming any obstacles that may stand in your way. This may include

- limiting beliefs,

- fear of failure or rejection

- lack of resources or support, or competing priorities.

By addressing these challenges head-on and adopting a growth mindset, you can build the resilience and determination needed to stay focused on your goals and make progress even in the face of adversity. Overall, focusing on what you want to grow is a powerful strategy for achieving success and fulfillment in all areas of life. By taking deliberate actions to develop yourself and pursue your passions, you can create a life that is aligned with your values and brings you joy and satisfaction.

However, you cannot overlook the fact that you need to have the motivation to focus on your goals!

Motivation is an essential factor in staying focused.

Here are some tips to help you motivate yourself to stay focused:

  1. Set a goal: Determine what you want to accomplish and set a clear, achievable goal. Write it down and refer to it often.

  2. Break it down: Break your goal into smaller, manageable tasks. This will make it easier to focus on one task at a time and avoid feeling overwhelmed.

  3. Prioritize: Identify the most important tasks and prioritize them. Focus on completing the most important tasks first.

  4. Create a routine: Establish a routine that includes time for work, rest, and relaxation. Stick to it as much as possible.

  5. Eliminate distractions: Identify and eliminate distractions that can hinder your focus, such as social media, email notifications, and other interruptions.

  6. Reward yourself: Reward yourself after completing a task or reaching a milestone. This will help to reinforce your motivation and make you feel more accomplished.

  7. Stay positive: Stay positive and avoid negative self-talk. Remind yourself of your progress and accomplishments, and focus on the benefits of completing your tasks.

Remember, motivation can come and go, so it's important to establish habits and routines that will help you stay focused even when you don't feel motivated.

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